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Product recommendations widget | Legacy

Product Recommendations is one of the most powerful features ReConvert has to offer. With the Product Recommendations widget, you can display dynamic or static recommended products on your customer's thank you page, offering them the opportunity to purchase another item, possibly with an additional discount.

Adding the Widget

Go to your Thank You Page builder by clicking the Thank You Pages dropdown as shown below

Select Customize to open a thank you page

> πŸ“ Note: You can also access the Thank You Page from the Funnel Editor.

How to Open the Thank You Page From the Funnel Editor

Access the Left Area section (You can add it to your Right Area too)

Click Add Section

Select Product Recommendations

There are five menus on the Product Recommendations Widget.

The main elements are:

Title - where you can edit the title of the offer
Product Options - where you can choose what products are displayed
Discount and Shipping - adjust the discount and shipping settings
Timer - you can choose if the offer is time-sensitive
Buttons - change the appearance and layout of the buttons

Setting the Title for Your Product Recommendations Widget

The Title menu lets you edit:

Offer name
Widget title (with all the common text editing features)
Whether to display the offer title above or below the offer

Choosing Which Products You Want to Recommend

The Product Options menu provides an extensive range of choices:

Select Product

After naming the offer, select which product to display. There are eight options available:

> πŸ“ Note: Wiser Recommendations, Personalized Recommendations, Rebuy Intelligent Cross-Sell, and Recomatic Recommendation will only work if you have these apps installed in your store.

> πŸ“ Note: For Wiser Recommendations, Personalized Recommendations, Rebuy Intelligent Cross-Sell, Recomatic Recommendation, and Shopify Recommendation, there is an available loader text option. Product recommendations might take time to load. Use this text box to display a message while loading.

Exclusion Tags

When selecting one of the eight product options, you can add exclusion tags. If the product is tagged with an exclusion tag, you can choose to either hide the featured product or display an alternative product. If you choose to display an alternative product, you can select it manually.

Define exclusion tags (optional)
Select what to do if a product is tagged with exclusion tags (skip offer or display alternative product)
Select an alternative product
Select a specific product
Select what should happen if the product was already purchased
Select an alternative product (if that's the option you choose)

> πŸ“ Note: If you selected to display an alternative product but didn't choose one, the widget will not be displayed if the specific product was in the original order.


Here you can choose between:

Extra Large Size Upsell
Large Size Upsell

Product Title

You can either leave the text box empty (the default product title will be displayed), or you can use the free text box to create a custom title. Below the product title text box, a drop-down allows you to choose whether to display the product title above or below the product image.

> πŸ“ Note: Title position can only be changed on a large-size widget.

> πŸ“ Note: We can only display simple text without any styling or HTML code.

Product Description

Check the Display product description checkbox if you’d like the product description to be displayed (it is hidden by default). When you do so, another free text box will appear. Click Import Description to import the original description (not recommended for long product descriptions), or create a custom product description in the free text box.

Main & Secondary Images

You can either:

Display the main or custom product image
Display secondary images in slideshow mode

Hide Order Summary Box

This section lets you enable/disable text on:

Sold out items

> πŸ“ Note: This will be displayed only if the product is out of stock.

Display Quantity Picker

If this box is checked, customers will be able to purchase multiple units of the featured product. When enabling the quantity option, a small window will open, enabling you to change the text for the quantity picker title.

Enable Variant Selection

Here you can enable/disable the option to display the variant selection elements.

Display Vendor

Here you can enable/disable the option to display the product vendor.

πŸ“ Note: The discount feature only accepts automatic discounts (rather than premade discounts). ReConvert will generate the discount for you, and the customer will be redirected to the payment page during the checkout process (skipping the cart, customer information, and shipping method).

Discount Options

Discount Text
Discount Type
Discount Value:

Discount value is divided into:

- Percentage discount - takes X% off the new order
- Fixed amount per unit - takes $X off the new order for every unit ordered
- Fixed amount per order - takes $X off the new order, no matter how many items the customer purchases

Only apply for orders over $X

Shipping Details

In the Shipping section, you can manage the shipping text and select the shipping option for the customer. You can offer one of three options:

- Free
- Flat rate
- Managed by Shopify

Price Settings

We've added the option to display any combination of three different options, each of which allows you to control the price color and size. By default, only the lowest price won't have strike-through:

Product Compare Price - displays the original compare-to price from your Shopify store
Product Price - displays the original product price from your Shopify store
Product Price Including Discount - displays the product price after applying the discount you set up in the previous section (only applies to automatic discounts)

> Example: If you choose a 20% discount and the product costs $100 before the discount, the customer will see a price of $80 on the thank you page.

Timer Settings

When you add an offer, the timer is automatically enabled and, by default, is set to 5 minutes. If you do not need a timer, just uncheck the Add Timer box. The settings are as follows:

Timer Text

You can write whatever you want here. For example: "The offer will expire in..."

Display Timer

Once per order - if the client accidentally reloads the thank you page, the timer will continue to count down where it left off. The same applies if the client leaves the page before the countdown ends.
Once per customer - after the timer expires, it will no longer appear.

Timer Color

Duration Settings

Choose how long your timer will last. There are four options: days, hours, minutes, and seconds.

Timer Design & Position

You can choose whether the timer or text appears above or below the widget.


You can edit your text, including changing the details to another language or shortening/ translating "days," "hours," "minutes," and "seconds."

πŸ“ Note: If you keep all text fields empty, we'll display a ":" sign between the days, hours, minutes, and seconds.

Expiry Settings

When the timer expires, you can choose to either:

Do nothing - the text you wrote will appear, the timer will simply disappear, but the product will still be available with a discount
Remove discount - the discount will be removed, and the product will be displayed at the regular price
Move to next offer - after the time expires, the widget will move to the next offer

Timer Expired Message

There is also a field for a message that your customers will see when the timer expires. You can use the Preview Live/Expired Offer button to see the result.

Well, That’s a Wrap!

If this article did not solve your issue, our support team is available for you 24/7. Just click the live chat button at the bottom-right corner of this page.

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Updated on: 15/08/2024

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