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How to add social follow buttons to your thank you page

If you've got a strong social media presence, ReConvert has the perfect tool to channel your customers to your socials. Having social follow buttons on your Thank You page gives you the opportunity to gain more followers. You want them to know that you are active on social media. It will help create legitimacy, trust and open the door for communication.

The platforms we currently support are: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter & Pinterest.

To add this option, you need to take the following steps, which are also shown on the GIF below:

1️⃣ Access the Right Area section on your Page Builder (You can add it to your left area too)

2️⃣Click Add Section

3️⃣Select Social Follow Buttons and click Add

📄 You are then presented with the following menu


To add the Facebook like button:

Click this link
You'll then be presented with the following options:

Insert your Facebook page URL
Choose what tabs you want to show, by default the timeline is shown, we recommend keeping this field empty.
You can then proceed to add dimensions (width and height) of the widget. We recommend a minimum height of 70 and a width ranging from 180-500.
Click the “Get Code” button at the bottom.
Go to the IFrame tab and copy the code:

Go back to the social follow section. Click 'Add More' and paste the code into the content box.


To add the YouTube subscribe button:

Log in to your YouTube account.
Click your profile picture in the top right corner and go to settings
Go to ”Advanced settings” on the left menu and copy your channel ID.
Click this link
Paste the channel id in the “Channel Name or ID:” box.
Play with the Layout, theme and weather to hide or show subscriber count (for small channels we recommend keeping it hidden), until your happy with the preview result, and copy the code.

To paste the code inside the social follow section, click Add More and paste the code accordingly.


To add the Twitter follow button:

Click this link.
Click the “Twitter Buttons” option.
Click the “Follow Button” option.
Enter your username or past your profile URL and click the preview button.

The steps are displayed below

Copy the code.

To paste the code inside the social follow section, click Add More and paste the code accordingly.


To add the Pinterest follow button:

Click this link
Enter your Pinterest user URL and the name you’d like to appear on the button. Then copy the 2 lines of code.

To paste the 2 lines of code inside the social follow section, click Add More and paste the code accordingly.

How to Add Social follow buttons

Well, that’s a wrap!

If this article did not solve your issue, our support team is available for you 24/7, just click the live chat button at the bottom-right corner of this page.

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Updated on: 23/05/2024

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