Product widget | Shopify
Product Widget
To learn how to edit this widget, watch the relevant sections in the product upsell widget video:
The product widget is a widget placed inside the top level Product Upsell widget. This is where you define which product will be shown to the customers and its settings.
Adding the widget
When you add a product upsell widget, the product widget is automatically added under it:
You can also add more product widgets to an existing product upsell widget, by clicking Add widget:
Select Product from the widget selector, and it will be added to the bottom of the product upsell:
Editing the product widget
The product upsell widget contains 8 customizable blocks:
Product details
Price & discount
Variant picker
Quantity selector
Success/Error banner
When clicking the top-level widget, you can also edit the settings that will determine what product will be selected and displayed to the customer.
Here is one example of how the Shipping Cost can be set for individual product upsells:-
The product widget in ReConvert is a powerful tool to enhance your store's functionality and increase sales. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can customize and optimize the widget to suit your needs. For further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team. Happy upselling!
Well, that’s a wrap!
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Updated on: 09/09/2024
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