ReConvert Blocks
These are the building blocks of widgets in the ReConvert Editor- they can be added to any relevant widget to customize it.
This article goes over the available blocks in ReConvert, and their options.
* Image
* Description
* Product details
* Price and discount
* Button
* Variant picker
* Quantity picker
* Success/Error banner
Image block
The image block has the following settings:
Image fit - choose to either cover or contain the product image
Image to display - use the main product image or a custom image
Change image according to the selected variant - you can enable/disable this option

Product details block
The product details block has the following options:
Product title - allows you to display an alternative product title (instead of the default product title)
Subtitle - you can select any option from the following list:
Selected variant title
Product vendor
Product type
Custom text
None/hide the section

Description block
The product description block has 3 options:
Display product description - hide/show the product description
Display alternative product description - choose wether to display the default product description or a custom product description
Collapsible description - make the description collapsible. You can also set the default state of the description (collapsed or expanded)

Price and discount block
The price & discount block allows you to adjust the product prices and discount. These settings are optional, and you can disable some of them.
This block offers the following price options:
Display product compare to price
Display original product price
Display product price including discount
You can set a specific size for the price of each option:
The discount checkbox allows you to provide:
Percentage discount on the upsell product
Fixed amount per unit on the upsell product

Button block
The button block allows you to change the following settings:
Button type
Button text

Variant picker block
The variant picker block allows you to enable or disable the variant picker in the upsell widget.

Quantity picker block
The quantity picker block allows you to enable or disable the quantity picker in your product upsell.
This block has the following options:
Display quantity picker - enable/disable the quantity picker
Default quantity - set the default quantity that will be offered to purchase
Set min quantity - set a minimum quantity of units a customer will be able to purchase
Set max quantity - set a maximum quantity of units that customer will be able to purchase

Success/Error banner
This block allows you to display a banner indicating success or failure to the customer, when they accept the offer from your product upsell widget.
The success banner will be displayed when the customer successfully adds the offer from your widget to the cart or order.
These are the options in this block:
Display success banner
Banner type
Banner text
Dismissible banner
Display undo button
Undo button text

The error banner will be displayed when the customer tried to accept the offer in your widget, but failed for some reason.
These are the options in this block:
Display error banner
Banner type
Dynamic error banner text
Banner text
Dismissible banner

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Updated on: 22/05/2024
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