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Bundle widget | Shopify

How to use the Bundle widget in ReConvert | Shopify

The Bundle widget allows you to offer multiple products as a bundle on any page within your ReConvert post-purchase flow. This increases your chances of upselling products that are frequently bought together. In this guide, you will learn how to set up, customize, and manage the Bundle widget.

Other blocks within widgets

Note: This article focuses only on elements unique to the Bundle widget. For help with general blocks within the widget, click inside the widget block you are interested in and select the 'learn more' button at the top right or you can learn more about other blocks within a widget by clicking the links below. [Please note that some minor differences may exist between certain pages and widgets.]

Product block, more generally
Product details
Product description
Price & discount
Accept button
Variant picker
Quantity selector
Success/Error banner

Make sure to click Save regularly to avoid losing your changes.

Getting Started

Click Add widget
Select Bundle

Click on the newly placed Bundles widget in the left-hand sidebar. The following options will appear on the right-hand side menu:

Bundle name (internal use): Set a name for organization purposes (invisible to customers)

Layout options: Choose from Grid, Slider, or List

Number of products: Select how many products will be in the bundle. The number of product widgets automatically adjusts based on your selection

Products per row: Determine how many products will display per row

When bundle is accepted: Choose whether to hide or continue displaying the bundle after the customer accepts it

If there are no products to show: Choose whether to hide all blocks or keep them when there are no available products

Allow separate quantity selection: Enable this tickbox to allow customers to select different quantities for each product in the bundle

Adjusting Price and Discount for Individual Products

To adjust prices and discounts for individual bundle products, click Price and Discount
By default, the option to apply pricing globally is selected. You can deselect this to customize prices per product
Choose the following price display options:
Final lowest price
Highest and lowest prices
All available prices
Only the product price
Highest price only
No price displayed
Configure size settings for the displayed prices
Discount options:
Choose between percentage or fixed amount discounts
Set internal discount names
Specify whether the discount applies per unit or per order
Set minimum cart values if applicable

Total Price Settings

The Total Price block calculates the total price for the entire bundle, including discounts. To adjust the total price:
Click Total Price within the widget's sidebar
Customize the total price, reflecting any applied discounts across the bundle
Use the dynamic tag {{total price}} to dynamically change the text 'total price' into the customer's own language

Display options for total price:
Show only the final (lowest) price
Show highest and final (lowest) prices
Show all available prices
Hide Compare-to-Price if not needed

Customize the display text for total price in the provided text box

In this example, we've used different discounts for each product, resulting in the overall total price discount that the customer is able to add to their cart.

Tip: We recommend showing either all prices or only the discounted price for clarity

Accept Button

The Accept Button confirms the addition of the bundle to the order. You can adjust the button type (primary, secondary, or plain) and customize the button text
Add dynamic placeholders:
{{total added price}} for the total price
{{item count}} for the number of selected products

Other Components of the Bundles Widget

Text block : Adds explanations or titles to the widget. Default: 'Frequently bought together'
Product block : Selects and displays products within the bundle


You can add multiple bundle widgets to each page, customizing product info, pricing, and layout. You can tailor your bundle offers to different customers using slots and conditions, making your upsell strategy dynamic and effective.

The Bundles widget boosts post-purchase sales by offering custom product bundles. Use the available customization options to create engaging, relevant bundles that encourage customers to make additional purchases, all while retaining control over widget appearance.

Well, that’s a wrap!

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Updated on: 13/10/2024

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