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Specific product in the cart | Condition | Shopify

Specific product in the cart condition

The specific product condition allows you to segment your offers according to the existence of specific products in the customer's cart.

If you selected Specific product in the cart as your condition type in condition settings, you can follow this guide to finish your condition setup.

Specific product in the cart settings

1. Product condition dropdown

In this dropdown, you can select the scope of the condition, with one of two options:

At least one product in the cart- at least one product in the cart must fit the condition
Every product in the cart- all products in the cart must fit the condition

Product condition dropdown

2. Operator dropdown

This dropdown allows you to select whether the condition includes or excludes products that are added to the cart:

Is from the list- includes products that fit the condition
Is not from the list- excludes products that fit the condition

Operator dropdown

3. Search products

The last step is selecting the products you want this condition to apply to.

Once you click the Search products box, a popup will open, where you will be able to select one or more products from your store:

Search products

Click Done and you will see your products added to the condition.

You can remove any of the products by clicking the X next to them.

Products in condition

Review your condition, make sure all the settings are correct, and click Save to complete the creation process:

Saved condition

Updated on: 22/05/2024

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