Articles on: ReConvert for Shopify

Order Summary in ReConvert Editor

Order Summary in ReConvert Editor

The Order Summary block in the ReConvert editor provides a detailed overview of the order for your customers, including essential details like the subtotal, discounts, taxes, and total amount. This widget allows you to customize the text labels for each of these elements to better fit your store's branding or the specific context of the offer.

Configuring the Order Summary Block

Display Order Summary: Toggle this checkbox to show or hide the entire order summary block on the page

Subtotal Text: Edit this field to change the label for the subtotal amount, which typically represents the total price of items before any discounts or taxes

Discount Text: This field allows you to customize the label for the discount section, reflecting any reductions applied to the subtotal

Taxes Text: Adjust the text here to modify how the taxes are labeled in the summary. This is where you indicate any tax amounts applied to the order

Total Text: Customize the label for the total amount due after discounts and taxes have been applied

Tax Line: This field lets you customize the text explaining the taxes included in the total, with placeholders like {{ amount }} to dynamically insert the tax value

Each of these options ensures that your Order Summary is clear and aligned with the language and branding you prefer, offering a transparent and user-friendly experience for your customers.

Well, that’s a wrap!

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Updated on: 20/08/2024

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