Product description block | Wix
The Product description block allows you to add and edit the product description for your offers.
The product description block is added automatically to any product upsell widget, and you can hide, delete and edit it to fit your needs.
Check or uncheck this option to show or hide the product description.
By selecting this option, you can replace your Wix product description with an alternative one.
The alternative description is static in each offer, so if you are using a dynamic product recommendation option, take that into account when using this feature.
When you select the option to display an alternative product description, a text editor opens up with the following options:
A. Insert link:
B. Font size:
C. Text alignment:
D. Bold and Italic text formatting:
This option allows you to decide if the descriptions is collapsed or expended by default.
A. Default state: choose whether the description should be initially collapsed or expanded
B. Description button text: add the text for the button that expands or collapses the description
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The product description block is added automatically to any product upsell widget, and you can hide, delete and edit it to fit your needs.
Product description settings:
1. Display product description checkbox
Check or uncheck this option to show or hide the product description.
2. Display alternative product description
By selecting this option, you can replace your Wix product description with an alternative one.
The alternative description is static in each offer, so if you are using a dynamic product recommendation option, take that into account when using this feature.
3. Text editor
When you select the option to display an alternative product description, a text editor opens up with the following options:
A. Insert link:
B. Font size:
C. Text alignment:
D. Bold and Italic text formatting:
4. Description default state
This option allows you to decide if the descriptions is collapsed or expended by default.
A. Default state: choose whether the description should be initially collapsed or expanded
B. Description button text: add the text for the button that expands or collapses the description
Well, that’s a wrap!
If this article did not solve your issue, our support team is available for you 24/7, just click the live chat button at the bottom-right corner of this page
📢 Did you know we have a YouTube channel? Don’t forget to subscribe to the channel to keep in touch with us and our news and updates
🙏 If you find our app useful, help other merchants find it by leaving us an honest review on the Wix App Market! It means the world to us
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Updated on: 09/09/2024
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