Articles on: ReConvert Wix

How to create checkout sections and upsells using the ReConvert Editor Wix

Creating checkout upsells using the ReConvert Editor

ReConvert's checkout upsells is a powerful tool available for WIX's stores, allowing you to customize your checkout experience in order to improve the checkout conversion rate and increase the store's average order value.

To add checkout upsells to your store, you need to first create your upsell in the ReConvert Editor for the checkout- this article will take you through doing that.

Navigate to the ReConvert Editor for checkout

In the Wix dashboard, go to apps -> managed apps and click open on ReConvert

In the dashboard, you will see the following onboarding screen. Click the Checkout editor button

Onboarding screen

In a new tab, the ReConvert Editor will open, where you can edit your checkout upsell

How to use the ReConvert Editor for checkout

The editor is made out of a few parts:
Preview- the center of the page
Left menu- where you can add sections to the page and move them around
Right menu- where you can edit the details of each section you added
Top bar- where you can save, undo and more

The ReConvert editor

To add your first section, click Add section

In this guide, we will be using the Product upsell section as an example.

Add section

The available locations will show up in the left menu - click the location you'd like to add your section to

Select section location

After clicking your chosen location, you will see the upsell section added to that location in the page preview, as well as see it in the left menu

Section added to checkout

Edit your section and page layout

Once you've added your section to the page using the ReConvert editor, you can use the left menu to edit different parts of it:

Each section is built out of a group of smaller sections and blocks. This allows you complete flexibility to edit the section layout and content - you can hide, show and delete each block from the left menu:

Edit product upsell layout

To edit the content of the section (products, images, text, colors, etc), you can use the right side menu to edit:

Right side menu

When clicking any block or section in the upsell section on the left menu, the editing controls for this block/section will open up in the right side menu- using that, you can easily edit each part of the section:

Editing the upsell section

Click Save to make sure your changes are live!

Well, that’s a wrap!

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Updated on: 13/06/2023

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