How to add a post purchase survey
Post-purchase surveys give you a chance to learn how customers feel about your products or services in order to improve on them, and it also provides an opportunity to gain feedback on the overall buying process in an unobtrusive manner.
ReConvert has a Post-Purchase survey widget, which allows you to gain this information and more. We'll take you through the process in this tutorial.
If you are a visual learner and prefer to learn by watching - feel free to learn more via a 2 minute walk-through here of how to get an initial survey up and running on your Thank You Page:- click here for video.
Creating a survey
1️⃣ Click the Thank you Pages menu on the Reconvert Dashboard. Select Post Purchase Surveys

2️⃣ Click the “Create a new survey” button

3️⃣ Enter your survey title and click 'Save title' button

⚠️ WARNING: be aware that customers will see the title (though this can be disabled via the tick-box on the Thank You Page.
4️⃣ Questions go in the Question box, with four possible answer types

Text area - for any text responses
Select - the customer can select only one option from a drop-down menu. This is great if you have multiple options (like country).
Check-box - the checkbox option allows the customer to select multiple answers.
Radio - all the answers are visible but the customer can only choose one answer. For example True/False Questions
📝 NOTE: You can add more options to each questions by clicking the "+ Add options" button and remove options by clicking the "sign".
5️⃣ Once you’re ready with the question, question type and the available options, click the “Save” button.
⚠️ WARNING: You cannot change answer type once you clicked the 'Save' button
6️⃣ Click the “Add question” button to add another Question
Adding the survey to the thank you page
Head over to your page builder and Click Add Section. Select Post Purchase Survey

Pick your survey

After selecting the survey you are presented with the following menu, which, as you can see, gives you a range of options on presenting your survey:

💡 TIP: After creating a survey, you have the option to hide certain questions from the appearing.
📝 NOTE: If you delete the survey you’ll lose the data collected to that point. So we recommend hiding the question/survey instead.
Well, that’s a wrap!
If this article did not solve your issue, our support team is available for you 24/7, just click the live chat button at the bottom-right corner of this page.
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Updated on: 23/05/2024
Thank you!