Product upsell widget | Wix
How to Use the Product Upsell Widget in Reconvert
The product upsell widget allows you to add one or more recommended products to your store using the ReConvert editor.
The product upsell widget in ReConvert allows you to add upsell products to any page in your store. This guide will walk you through the setup and customization of the product upsell widget using the ReConvert Flow Builder and Editor.
Getting Started
Accessing the Product Upsell Widget
Open the ReConvert Editor
In the navigation menu, locate the product upsell widget
Expand or collapse the widget to view its contents
Components of the Product Upsell Widget
By default, the product upsell widget contains three widgets:
Divider widget - a simple line that allows for more clarity
Text widget - a simple text box with styling that you can use to add explanation, title to the widget
Product widget - the main part of the product upsell widget will be explored in this article
We will explore the product widget part of the product upsell widget. To explore the other elements, please click the relevant link above.
Configuring the Product Widget
Selecting Products to Display
Select the product widget on the left hand side
In the Actions menu on the right hand side, choose product to display
You will have three options to select.
Most Expensive Product in Cart: displays the priciest item in the cart
Cheapest Product in Cart: Displays the least expensive item in the cart
Specific Product: Manually select a product from your store
Click save
Customizing Product Display Blocks
Image Settings
Select the image block
Choose to contain or cover the image
Decide whether to display the main product image or a specific variant image by selecting or deselecting the checkbox at the bottom of this block
Click save
Product title
By default, the product's title from your store is displayed. If you would like an alternative title to use for the upsell text, you can toggle this by clicking the button on the right hand side and entering your desired text, as well as inserting a hyperlink, and changing the text size and alignment
Click save
In our example here we have chosen to insert a hyperlink, used extra large text, and boldened and centrally-aligned the text. We can see how it will display in the live mockup in the central area of the screen
Product details
Set the product details (default is to display if there is a particular variant, otherwise this will be left blank)
You have the option to choose instead to display the words:- 'brand'; 'ribbon'; custom text of your choosing; or leave it blank
In the example here we've opted for custom text, inserted a hyperlink, used extra large text, and right-aligned the text. We can see how it will display in the live mockup in the central area of the screen
Click save
Product description
Decide whether to display the product description
Choose between showing the default or an alternative description
Make the description collapsible if necessary (often descriptions can be lengthy, so it may make sense to collapse the description)
Click save
Price and discounts
Set up discounts:
You have three options when it comes to applying the discount. You can:-
Apply a percentage discount
Apply a fixed monetary value discount per unit
Apply a fixed monetary value discount per order
Wix uses discount codes to apply discounts, and is able to apply only one coupon code per order. Select what you would like to do in the case where a customer has already used a discount code:
1. show the upsell without a discount
2. use whichever is the larger discount code
3. override whichever discount code was there previously
4. don't show the upsell at all if a discount code has been used
Select the product prices to display (at least one)
by default, the highest and lowest price will be shown (i.e. the price of the product initially crossed out and the new discounted price of the product)
if you would also like to display a compare-to-price (an in-between price between highest and lowest) you can do so by unchecking the 'show highest and lowest price' toggle and ticking 'display the product compare to price'
if you chose to display a compare-to-price, you will also have the further options available to you so you can tailor exactly which prices your customers will see
Top Tip:- We recommend either: a) showing all 3 prices; or omitting the Compare-to-Price and just leaving the Original Price and Product Price including Discount
If you choose to display all of these prices and one does not exist, Wix will simply not show anything in its place
Select the size of each of the selected prices
Click save
Shipping options
In the case of a conflict between discount codes, if you select to show the ReConvert upsell discount code anyway (i.e., from above, "use the larger discount" or "override existing discount") you will have the option to hide the discount int he event that a free shipping coupon has been applied
Click save
Choose button type (primary, secondary, or plain)
We would recommend using the Secondary button type to keep 'Buy' as the only primary button as the customer has still not completed their original purchase.
Customize the button text if needed
Save changes before proceeding
Option picker
Decide whether to display the variant picker
If you choose to display the variant picker, you can choose whether to default to the first option in your store or to select no default variant
Save changes
Quantity selector
Choose to display or hide the quantity selector
If you display the quantity selector, you can set default, minimum, and maximum quantities
If you are choosing to use a minimum quantity that is greater than 1, please note that the default quantity will need to match or exceed the minimum quantity
Save changes
Success and Error Banner
Success banner
Customize the success message when an upsell is added to the cart, the banner type, the banner text, the text for successful application of the ReConvert discount, the text for successful application where a non-ReConvert discount is applied
Choose whether the banner is dismissible (your customer can click an X button next to the success text)
Preview the changes in the mock-up in the center of the screen
Click save
Error banner
Customize the error message when there is a problem adding or removing an upsell to the cart
Select the banner type
Choose whether to display Dynamic Error Banner Text. It is selected by default. If selected, ReConvert will display the actual error in this this space for the customer (in English). Alternatively, if you uncheck this box, you can type in your own catch-all error message
Dynamic error messages are displayed in English. If your store is not in English or your customers are generally not English-speakers, you may wish to turn off dynamic error messages and type a generic error message in a language of your choice
Choose whether the banner is dismissible (your customer can click an X button next to the success text)
While success and error banners can be disabled, it is recommended to show the customer success and error banners to keep the customer informed of the status, even if it is just a one line standard text
Advanced customizations
You are able to drag and drop product upsell widgets (as well as many of their component blocks) as well as hide / display / delete them
The product upsell widget in ReConvert is a powerful tool to enhance your store's functionality and increase sales. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can customize and optimize the widget to suit your needs. For further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team. Happy upselling!
Well, that’s a wrap!
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Updated on: 22/08/2024
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